Friday, January 14, 2005

Posting made easy

Hey, everyone out there in cyberville we wanted to let you know about a change to our blog settings. Many of you have made comments to me about how much of a hassle it is to post. Well, that has now changed. I went into the settings and made it available to anyone, whether you are a member of blogger or not. It was set up to the default before, which is members only. So I hope this gets you more involved in the discussions we are having online.


At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am testing this to make sure that anyone can post to this blog. For those of you non-bloggers out there. You can post anonymously and then simply sign in your post...if you care to be identified. Or of course you can join the fun and become a registered blogger. Blogging is the number one tech trend of 2004 ...and should make even bigger waves in 05!



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