Monday, June 20, 2005

Third Place

I am really enjoying my Starbucks experience. Today I was certified a barrista. Which in essence means I was tested on all the stuff I am supposed to have learned over the past 6 weeks. Thankfully I passed:) I have heard that if you don't pass, they send you to Lancaster or worse.

One of the primary goals of Starbucks is to create the third place for people. People have a place called home and then they have a job or go to school, etc. Starbucks wants to be the third place that people go to connect, to be, or to hang with friends. In many ways this is the life we are trying to live as missionaries. We want to create spaces for people to be at home, interact with us(and the Jesus in us), and do life together. Interestingly enough, Starbucks is one of the spaces that is already designed for this type of interaction.

Brent (not Brent Colaw who is moving here from Oklahoma) is someone who has bought into the third place idea hook, line and sinker. He shows up at Starbucks everyday, by himself and hangs for a couple of hours. What does he do? He talks to the barristas, sips his venti half caf and enjoys the experience. Brent has a second home at our Starbucks. He wouldn't dream of visiting another place, because he knows us and is known by us.

Brent will talk about anything. We have already talked a little bit about issues of faith. He seems to know a lot about the Bible and faith, but chooses not to follow any particular faith. I like Brent. He is willing to be honest about his doubts and faith. It was good to see him today...even though he was giving me a hard time about my certification/evaluation.


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