Tuesday, January 25, 2005

LOTR-Week 3 Fulfilling Divine Purpose

Sorry it has been so long since we actually had this discussion. We will be brief here, especially since most in our community were actually present for the discussion. Our purpose that was found both in our LOTR clips and in the Scriptures was two-fold: recognize God's overarching plan for mankind ie you and me, second to find our particular part in the puzzle.

Our characters all had their unique contributions that were part of the one goal: to destroy the ring. In the same way, we are here to advance the Kingdom of God on earth...to promote his ways, his justice. Each of us has gifts and talents that we bring to the table that contribute toward his goal of bringing the kingdom. This is most evident in Paul's writing to the Corinthians, where he discusses the body. We are all different members with different functions, but the same body, the same purpose, the same calling. We must work together to bring the kingdom to our homes, neighborhoods, and communities.

For more on our discussion or other LOTR talk, simply respond with a question and I'll be happy to dialogue. In fact, this coming Thursday, our discussion will be Q & A on the spirituality of the Lord of the Rings. So bring your questions to the group and let's talk.



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