Sunday, February 13, 2005

Our Little Church

Without jumping the gun or counting any chickens regardless of where they are at in the embryonic process, I would like to celebrate the growing of our little church! For several months we were the same 5-8 adults and 5-6 kids every week. Once in awhile we'd have a guest show up, but that was rare and they never stayed. Well, I think that is changing now!

For the past two weeks, we have been crowded! As we huddle for worship and discussion around the Lord of the Rings in my family room, we've had 12 & 13 adults and 10 & 8 kids. This is very encouraging as we are starting to believe that maybe God will create a missional community here that would be worthy of multiplying elsewhere. I'm not sure when that might happen, but I'm cautiously optimistic about the prospects of this kind of growth. Continuing in the steps of Jesus...


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