Thursday, February 17, 2005

Mexico is a Go!

This afternoon I met with Dave DeVries from Lake Hills Church (our sending church) and finalized arrangements for our Mexico Mission Trip. We are more than extreme making over this home...we're building it from scratch. In most cases, the families we are building for are living in little more than cardboard boxes with a blue tarp on top for a roof. I know because this will be the 6th year we've gone down and built a home in Ensenada, Mexico.

Our team this year will be made up of students and adults from Community242, Lake Hills, and Norwood Methodist Church in the Granada Hills. The thing that keeps me coming back is the impact that is made in such a short time. We literally change life for a family. Much like the TV show does for families in the US, we radically improve the quality of life for a family in Mexico. We are as changed as the people we are building the house for. It is absolutely impossible to come back unchanged or unmoved from such an experience. It seems to me this is also true for those who work on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. They seem like they are blessed to be able to give and provide a better way of life.

I feel privileged and blessed to be able to contribute in this way as well. There is one big difference in the show and what we do. We build unashamedly in the name of Jesus who redeems and saves. If you would like to contribute toward the building of the house...the materials cost us $2850, you can send me an email and I'll let you know how to do that:)




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