Thursday, April 07, 2005

Double Blessings

My friend Brian, like me, spent an entire morning trying to get U2 tickets online as well as on the phone. Then we both searched eBay for opportunities to see our favorite band. He was thrilled when I invited him to join me at the concert this week. We had a fantastic time singing, dancing, and just hanging out together.

Brian and I have a lot in common, in addition to being U2 fans. We are both former youth pastors, though he did attend Westmont. He is a great guy, who has an amazing sense of humor. We both love the Lord of the Rings. And we both have a desire to see young people's lives radically changed by Jesus.

Brian called me yesterday (the day after the concert). He thanked me for taking him to the concert and reinterated what a great time he had. Then he told me that another friend had invited he and Allie (his wife) to last night's U2 show as well. He needed a babysitter and we were happy to oblige. They had box seats that include the works for a concert event. Brian was unable to get tickets on his own, but by God's grace he was able to see U2 on back to back nights...truly a Double Blessing!


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