Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Mission: Extreme Home Make-Over

Last Monday 20 of us from the Santa Clarita Valley embarked on a mission to Ensenada, Mexico. We knew that God had brought us together to build a new home for a family, but we had no idea all that he had planned for us. For starters many of us had done this before. And because of that "been there, done that" attitude, we figured we had a good idea of what to expect this time. Well, as usual we were wrong.

For many reasons, I was not very excited about this particular trip. Mostly it had to do with some relational issues that were present among team members that had the potential to blow things up from the very beginning. God had other plans, however, and He resolved those issues very early in the week. This was a huge blessing to Mimi and I personally as it not only averted more conflict, but it allowed us to concentrate our attention on the family and being a team.

God blessed us by the family. They participated with us. They were grateful for us. And most importantly they were grateful for the blessings of God in their life, both before we came as well as after we arrived. I had never seen such grace expressed by a family like I did this time. We were also blessed by the kids who were everywhere all the time. I did have to kick them out of the house a half dozen times or so, when they were in the way, but their love and affection and playfulness was energy to us all.

I'm sure others have their stories to share as well. So if you are in that category please write something for the benefit of the rest of us.


At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not knowing what to expect, from myself or from the week to come, I couldn't really do anything but "give it all to God." What an amazing provider He is!! When there was work to be done, everyone was busy, there was no complaining about too much work or the working conditions, just joyful hearts, giving with Christian love. When we had a chance to talk to the family or neighbors or play with the kids, I know we were all being blessed. Even back at the camp where we spent our free time, Christ was still working with us, to build our community among Christians. I grew so much in Christ, and hope that what I learned on my trip to Ensenada will continue my growth here at home. lesli

At 9:05 AM, Blogger friendoffrodo said...

Thanks Lesli,

Your willing heart and joyful spirit blessed all of us on our trip. Thanks for taking risks in Jesus' name! That is something you can and will continue now that we're "home." Blessings!


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