Sunday, March 13, 2005

Dog Training 101

Yesterday a friend of ours, actually a former student in our youth ministry, came over to help us train our very large (105 lbs.) labrador retriever, named Samson. Samson is now 6 years old and when he was very small, went to Puppy Preschool. However, he long since forgotten the lessons he learned back then.

Our day was filled with walks, play and lots of instructions for us! Now if he is the one being trained why do I have to be the one to remember the instructions? I have to remember instructions about eating...when, where, etc. There are lessons about going in and out of doors. I have to decide when and how he can play with his toys. In fact I've come to the realization that he didn't learn a thing. Yesterday was a schooling for Me!

Mimi and I noted all the similarities in working with our two adorable little girls. Just about every lesson we learned about Samson had a correlation to how we are raising our girls. So even if Samson continues in his wayward ways, at least we picked up some helpful hints in working with our other kids.


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