Saturday, February 26, 2005

More than 31 Flavors

This morning I am sitting in my hotel in Carcavelos (Lisbon area), Porugal reflecting on my week. Thursday night a couple guys and I decided to see the city. So we boarded a train, that eventually broke down. Then we got on a bus...then the subway and eventually emerged in this mall the size of a small city. It was 4 stories tall and had every imagineable store from the US and Europe all under its very large roof.

As we walked around the mall, looking for a place to eat the choices were overwhelming. We could do the standard fast food thing with McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut and more. There were the international cuisines that were available from every part of the globe. Portuguese food was available in dozens of offerings. And then there were several ice cream and dessert varieties as well. The one that caught my eye was Baskin Robbins...31 Flavors.

I love Europe. I have had the privilege of coming here about once a year for the past 9 years! Wow! As I thought about the international "flavor" of Europe's cities I began to take stock of what it is that keeps me coming back.

Anyone of Europe's major cities, Lisbon, included is a microcosm of the planet. The world is moving to the cities of Europe. You will find cultures from every continent and most every nation here. There is a blending and overlapping of cultures that is rich and vibrant and dare I say flavorful.

While this is inheritantly true of is doubly true of the church planting community of which I am part of....Christian Associates, International. I love their flavor. I love how when I am with them, I am changed, transformed, renewed. It is impossible for me to stay the same when I am with this group of Jesus people. Much as I would say that I am a better man for being with Mimi, I would say I am a better follower of Jesus for being with Christian Europe.

It is easy to get caught up in the monoculture of American Evangelicalism...and while that's not necessarily bad, it is not what is best for me at least. I want to interact with other cultures. Get their take on world events. See things from their perspectives. Hear their interpretations of the Scriptures I think I know. It is both enriching and humbling to come to this place. I am learning that my vision is small. My understanding is lacking. I need the body to complete me where I am missing limbs. That's why I love Europe. That's why I love the flavor of this people...and of this place. How many flavors do you enjoy?


At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob - well, I enjoy the flavour of your personality, that's for sure. Really enjoyed hanging with you in Lisboa. Nice to be 'ordained' with you!

At 9:27 AM, Blogger friendoffrodo said...

Hey Rogier,

I, too, enjoy your flavour. Thanks for the time and the memories. Blessing on your family and the church in Rotterdam.



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