Monday, May 23, 2005

Opening Night

A week and a half ago, Mark and I were talking over dinner about the new Star Wars film, Revenge of the Sith. We both said we wanted to see it opening weekend and that it was the culmination of a story began in our boyhoods. So we thought, hey let's go after church on Thursday night. We asked around and no one else was able to make, but we bought tickets and were set to see Star Wars on opening night at the 10:15 showing.

It was only a few days later that I learned that I would be working the opening shift the next 4:30 a.m. No worries I could pull it off, at least that's what I was telling people, namely my wife. Anyway the anticipation built all week long. And sure enough after church we took care of the kids and headed to the theater. The place was packed and the adrenaline was high.

Mark an I got there early to stand in line. We swapped stories of our experiences with the other Star Wars films especially the originals. It was great. There were even a few people who had brought their light sabers to the show. It's hard for little boys to grow up even when they're in their thirties.

We loved the film, though I was having difficulty staying awake, since I started work that day at 6:15. I will need to see it again at least one more time. We had a fantastic time with our friends enjoying a common experience and memory and I even made it to work on time!


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