Monday, May 23, 2005

Starbucks Update

Three weeks into my new life as a barista, so I thought it was time for an update. First of all I would like to say I have so much respect for those fellow partners of mine who can listen, discern, write, and make those unusual concoctions that get ordered every single day at our store. One customer actually just asked me for a cup and wrote up his own drink. We are a persnickity people, aren't we?

That being said, I love my new job. I am feeling fairly competent on the register, but have a long way to go in making drinks on the bar. I have made a few, without complaints, but lack the confidence and speed required of a true barista. My co-workers, mostly female, are fun and encouraging and a blast to work with. I was hoping that I would be the one bringing encouragement to the work environment, but it's already there in stereo.

It seems as if my shifts are mainly going to be in the morning. Tomorrow will be my third opening (4:30 a.m.) shift in four days. I don't mind too much, but I have taken advantage of a few afternoon naps along the way:)

Got to go make a triple, sugar-free, non-fat vanilla latte!


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